Blessings in the brokeness

Ok, I’ve been over at WordPress for a few days now and really, really like it. I love this blog too, and really hope all my blogging friends will make their way to my new home. I know everyone is busy, so I am gonna keep things in 2 places for now. But please stop by, I’d really hope you would. Here is my latest post over there. Hope you will leave me some comment love at my new blog too!

As I have been going through my blog lists, getting use to WordPress and discovering new blogs as I grow, and expand my reading in the blogsphere; I’ve come upon a blog that is challenging it’s readers to reflect on the past years blessings and struggles (sounds allot like my blogspot blog), but it is a good time to remember God’s sovereinty and will for my life and how He is forever molding me. Stop by Red Letter Believers and take part in some refection and growth; for our God is good in all things and to Him be The Glory forever and ever. Here is my blessings in the brokenness this past year. Thank you Jesus for all of it. It has made me more in love with you.

Last march I was working in the hotel industry as a front desk agent and decided to take a new job offering benefits and higher pay. I was let go a week into it for no reason, only to think I was a threat of some sort to their way of doing business, which was a little shady to say the least. That same year, I went through allot of hardship with my daughters father who at the time, unknowingly, was suffering from dementia, was wrongly incarcerated by me in a way, and passed away right before Christmas. I buried him on Christmas Eve; it sucked to say the least. Going back to church and finding my place again was another challenge that has been painful as well, but the healing is finally starting to kick in, after I fell away several years ago and became a single mom. Thank God for the church; as hard and disconnected at times I felt, our pastor preached on living surrendered which is part of our church mission. It is in my deepest broken. desperate moments alone with God that I have learned true surrender, in the midst of all my pain. I realize surrender is a life-long process, but one that has also brought me into the pure love and presence and power of God. I have learned that it is in our brokenness that God can start to finally mold us and form us into the people he wants us to be. So I guess this year I have really learned what it means to be broken, and out of that I have longed and thirsted for God more; I have a deeper passion to see the church of God truly become His hands and feet here on earth. I have been praying for God to show me where to serve, because there are so many needs! I know that being a mom is really important and perhaps just being a mom and a Godly example to my daughter is a way for me to glorify God. So this has been a year of brokenness for me; but I have also been blessed with family, food, shelter, and friends. My prayer for the new year is to not hold back on God, to let Him use me for His glory, and that I might listen and chase after Him wherever He calls me.

2 thoughts on “Blessings in the brokeness

  1. Hey Robin! Thanks for visiting and leaving us a sweet comment! We are always so encouraged by our sisters in Christ from all kinds of walks of life! You’re blog is super cute, BTW. And we’re hoping to collect some testimonies of God’s grace in our sister’s lives soon (around New Year’s)…we’d love to have you join us and share how Jesus found you!


    Abigail @ Pearls and Diamonds

  2. Beautiful testimony Robin. It is when we are at our lowest level that God reaches in and lifts us up. He never leaves us, He is always there. God bless you my friend and much love to you!

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