My Story of God Moving me on…

Below is a letter that I wrote to my Prayer Team, Senior Pastor and other ministry leaders at my church as I have sought to follow and surrender to God and his will for  my life.  May it encourage you as you walk in surrender an obedience as well. 

Coming Full-Circle:  It Always Comes Back To Surrender and Obedience. As I listened to Pastor Jamie’s sermon this past Sunday, once again I heard those familiar words of Surrender; words that have carried me through, grown me, and shaped me in the last 6 years of sitting under Pastor Jim’s teachings.  I have learned, as Chad has sung so many times to embrace surrender, running to God in many different seasons.  I have been blessed to share with so many, all the miracles that God has bestowed on me, through good times and in bad.  It has been a blessing beyond words to be such an integrated part of this church and this prayer team.  Now, as I continue to walk in obedience and surrender, God is leading me on another adventure.  It’s taken close to a year to hear and make sure that I understood what was being asked of me.  At times I felt as though I was being tossed back and forth, not too sure where God wanted me to end up.  And the more I sought to understand, the more I would cry out in surrender, telling him that I just wanted his will and not mine over and over.  As I prayed and sought his voice, it would become clearer, to the point of unmistakable clarity that I could not ignore any longer.  I had to make a decision.  Even though God was using me in many ways here at Open Door, and could continue to do so, he wanted to increase my faith, he wanted to do some new things in and through me, he wanted me to experience him in new ways, and he was asking me if I would surrender, trust and obey.  So, very much like Peter, who got out of the boat, out of his comfort zone into the unknown waters to have a life-changing experience with Jesus on the water ( Matt.14:22-33), I too have been ask to step out in faith, trusting and remembering all that he has done and brought me through thus far.  For all the times that my heart felt torn and indecisive, his voice would remain and the peace of knowing that I was walking in his will finally would come. John Ortberg writes in his book “If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have To Get Out of the Boat”,  that growth always takes faith, and faith takes risk, and risk is always scary! This too is what surrender is all about.  When we choose his will and his ways instead of ours, when our hearts become fully abandoned to him and all we want is what he wants for us, we give God room to move. Whether you are the 11 disciples in the boat watching what is going on, or a church member watching others move out of a pew, God is always wanting to do more with us.  What have you done with those sermon’s that convicted you?  What do you do with that inner nudge that never seems to go away?  I believe God puts those in all of us.  We are created for such great purposes.  We are saved and set apart for good works.  It is the thrill of a lifetime to be used of God!!!  Is scary, heck ya! But I know who’s driving my life, and that is all that matters.  Are there tons of unknowns? Yes, tons, but that’s part of the adventure!  I guess I have gotten to a point with God to say, “Lord, if you lead me to it, I have to trust and believe that you are going to lead me through it” I have to believe new relationships will come, I have to trust that all the small details and concerns of a single mom will be handled divinely.  He hasn’t failed me yet, and I know he’s not going to.  So, it is with bitter-sweet joy, excitement, and a good dose of Holy fear that I am being called out of Church of the Open Door and into the Church of the Nazarene.  I will be heading out to Wooster Church of the Nazarene at least two times a week for now for Mid-week and Sunday services.  I have been attending there on and off for the last 10 months, and God has met me in some really powerful ways that it was so clear without a shadow of a doubt that I am to be a part of this new congregation.  My hope and prayer is that I will be able to move down there so I can be more involved in the church; so I would ask your continued prayers for me and Olivia that God will keep us safe as we travel, and that relationships will begin with others at the church.  Here is the link, so you can see where I will be and pray for me as I journey on.  I look forward to sharing with you more as God moves in my life. As a member of Open Door and the Prayer Team, I have been blessed beyond words.  I have learned so much and experienced prayer on such new depths.  I have grown with all of you and I am so grateful that God has placed me in your lives for this season to learn so much from you.  Know that I will continue to pray for you as a team, and the body of Church of the Open Door, its Pastors and ministries, as well as fasting with you on the first Wed. of the month.  I look forward to keeping up with you and hearing of how God is moving in your lives and at Open Door.  I have learned so much and grown so much, it seems so hard to sum it up in words that always fall short of what is in my heart; but if I could encourage you out of the depths of my soul it would be this:  Live surrendered.  Learn to surrender in the everyday moments of life; it will help when the storms come.  It will grow you closer to God in ways you never imagined, and when God calls you out of the boat in your life circumstances, you will be ready to risk it all for Jesus.  Live in Holy fear of him.  Never lose your reverence for who he is; he is Holy, and Powerful, as well as loving and full of mercy and grace.  Strive to live in humility; it will keep your pride in check.  I have had to learn to pray often for humility, especially when God wants to use me.  Live in obedience to him.  He is good, and he knows the plans and purposes for all of our lives.  I have had to learn to trust him in that; looking back at all he has brought me through, knowing that the circumstances are life-lessons he wants me to learn from.  Seek comfort and direction in his Word, ask him to lead you and speak to you, and teach you as you seek him there.  Your relationship with him comes first above all else; above family and life demands.  Love him with total abandonment and watch him grow you in leaps and bounds and use you in mighty ways.  Give him your whole heart, because he gave his whole life for you!    Love each other and live united as a team and church body, this bring a huge smile on his face, just think, those of you who have kids, the great joy it brings you when everyone gets along and lives in harmony.  This too is God’s desire for his church.  My prayer and my hope is that as I continue to walk in surrender and obedience I would shine for Jesus; that people would see that he is so worth the risk of a life lived surrendered.  That too, is my prayer for each one of you, that you would live in such abandonment to God for all that he has done, that surrendering would be an out flowing of your heart to his.  I want to thank all of you for your prayers and support that have gotten me to this point, I am so grateful for all of you.  I want to also thank Pastor Jim, who has been somewhat of a spiritual mentor to me these last several years and whom I have the utmost respect for, I dare say he probably is my hero, next to Jesus.  When I see Pastor Jim, I see a life surrendered and it is that lifestyle of surrender that I have learned to seek and desire for myself and everyone at Church of the Open Door.  Let me close in prayer, as the page is getting shorter  J Father God, I am so grateful that you have placed me here at C.O.D. for this season.  I pray that all would truly desire a life lived for you alone.  I pray as I and others live lives of surrender and obedience that you be glorified and that others would desire to follow you in the same way.  Continue to rise up your people at Open Door, grow them in the mission and vision and help them live and serve as Jesus did.  We love you, and thank you for all you have done in our lives and we are so excited to see what you will continue to do as we live surrendered for you alone.  In Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen!!                                         Love, your sister in Christ, Robin Richards

Surrendering In The Psalm

Desperation. Yep that about sums things up at the moment.  I don’t know if it’s a test from God, or Satan messing with my mind, but I can tell you it sucks.  I’ve been feeling defeated, and without vision, even though I am starting seminary this fall.  I’ve asked God why?  Are you sure God, that I  heard right?  After all, I’ve been known to get my voices mixed up when it comes to hearing you.  Life’s just been hard; the car keeps breaking down, the job market sucks, I’m barely making it, and I just don’t know what lies ahead.  Don’t even reply to this  post with “have faith”; Yes, I know this, and believe me, I’m holding on as much as I can, and I know the devil is trying to get me down, so I’ve been rebuking his sorry butt all week too.  One thing that has seemed to help has been praying Psalm 86  It is a psalm of David, and He, like I have been this week; starts out with a cry to God. Here’s my paraphrase:  Here me God, I need you, I am poor and weak, and nothing without you.   Keep me safe because I am devoted to you and long to serve you!  Father, have mercy by not giving me what I deserve as a sinful human, because you are so good in loving kindness and forgiveness.  I call to you in my deepest distress because I know you will answer me with love and mercy.  No God compares to you Lord, so take away my idols and bring me closer.  All will come to know you as King, and every knee shall bow to your Glory!  Lord, help me not minimize you, but to remember you are the one and only God, the God who spoke creation into being; an utter word out of your mouth can and does bring life and death. Let us reverently fear you with knowing this.  Lord, you are my Lord, teach me your ways, give me knowledge and wisdom, understanding and discernment; so that I can not only grow in my understanding and Christ likeness, but that I really would share your gospel truth with others.   Lord, I want to praise your name for ever, I am totally devoted to you; nudge me closer at times when my flesh fights for your attention because you love me so much and delivered me from the depths of hell. You know that ruthless men come after me, who care nothing of your ways or law; so protect me from them and provide a way out.  Your mercy endures forever! You are slow to anger, quick to love, and everlasting in faithfulness.  Have mercy on me, and give me renewed strength that I may be made strong and made Holy.  Lord, move in my life, so that mere man would see that you are God, that you are good and faithful, abounding in love to those who love you.  Amen!

Ahhh, that was a good exercises in focused prayer. I feel better already.  May I encourage us all, to search scripture and the psalms for passages like these where we can pray as we read.  Being able to do this has really helped me to remember who God; his characteristics, his love, faithfulness, justness, power, and mercy.  
Maybe too, you could write them down in a journal to be able to quickly refrence back to and pray when you are going through a certain isssue or even a praise.  One more thing that has helped me too is reading scripture on my knees.  It is very humbling and helps me stay fouced more than say sitting on my bed where my mind can tend to wonder and get distracted by things out of the corner of my eyes. 

 Thank You Father for helping me to connect with you on a deeper level through the scriptures and learning to surrender to you more through the Psalms.

Psalm 86Ps

A prayer of David.

 1 Hear, O LORD, and answer me,
       for I am poor and needy.

 2 Guard my life, for I am devoted to you.
       You are my God; save your servant
       who trusts in you.

 3 Have mercy on me, O Lord,
       for I call to you all day long.

 4 Bring joy to your servant,
       for to you, O Lord,
       I lift up my soul.

 5 You are forgiving and good, O Lord,
       abounding in love to all who call to you.

 6 Hear my prayer, O LORD;
       listen to my cry for mercy.

 7 In the day of my trouble I will call to you,
       for you will answer me.

 8 Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord;
       no deeds can compare with yours.

 9 All the nations you have made
       will come and worship before you, O Lord;
       they will bring glory to your name.

 10 For you are great and do marvelous deeds;
       you alone are God.

 11 Teach me your way, O LORD,
       and I will walk in your truth;
       give me an undivided heart,
       that I may fear your name.

 12 I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart;
       I will glorify your name forever.

 13 For great is your love toward me;
       you have delivered me from the depths of the grave. [a]

 14 The arrogant are attacking me, O God;
       a band of ruthless men seeks my life—
       men without regard for you.

 15 But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
       slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.

 16 Turn to me and have mercy on me;
       grant your strength to your servant
       and save the son of your maidservant. [b]

 17 Give me a sign of your goodness,
       that my enemies may see it and be put to shame,
       for you, O LORD, have helped me and comforted me.

Just another day in paradise (small “p”)

As you can see, I haven’t really been up to snuff on my blogging lately, and I must admit, I am not too in the mood at the point, having a bad day busting up my phone, but Oh yes, it’s in the valley’s that we grow.  So why is it today I feel so far away from God?  I must admit, I really hate when I hit these little  ruts, and I know that we all do, it just sucks when they seem to come out of nowhere; which I know they don’t, but it sure can feel that way when it hits you in the face.  I want on be on fire, alive, and kickin’ for Jesus,living in the power, and yet, as close as He is, I know He has drawn back a bit, but I know I have too.  Relationships on any level can be hard, especially with God at times.  I’d just rather take the  easy road and  hide away in my house than to deal with people some days, but then God nudges me and says stuff like “don’ waste your life”; so I go and try and muster all my strength to do something productive by taking my daughter out to the park, but then to come home and have to deal with family that really gets under my skin at times, but I am sure that I get under theirs too.  When Olivia’s dad was alive, he’d be famous for saying “another day in  paradise, small “p” .  I knew what he ment, this life is full of hardships even on our best days.  The beauty for him now is that He is living the Big P life in heaven; lucky guy! But I know He had a really hard life, and God takes us when  He choses.  I know it’s just a day, and it will soon pass, and tomorrow I will get another chance to experience the grace of God, I hope.  We all have bad days and I guess today’s mine, but while I sit here and type God is nudging me and reminding me that life’s not perfect, and we all fall short of eachother’s ideals, but try and remember that even though you can’t see it Robin, I still have a purpose for your life.  Praise me in the storms, Praise me when you don’t understand, Praise me when you can’t see 2 inches in front of you, with every breath Praise The Lord!”  So I think what I need right now is a some worship music to help me connect once again  with God; it always seems to do the trick, I guess I just needed a little nudge from Heaven; thanks God, and John too.

I just got to trust that God is working on it

One of my biggest struggles that I face as a Christian is watching others not reach their full potential in Christ.  I realize that it is God who transforms, but I also know that He gives us all free will to choose and truly put our trust in Him.  I often wonder how pastors must feel when they get up week after week, spilling there hearts out for a congregation to “hear” and open their hearts in surrender to God.  I think it would drive me crazy;  I know it would, b/c just watching it from the pew every week is agonizing.  I know I’ve blogged about this allot, and sometimes I feel like I’m going in circles with it; finding peace, then getting pushed out again by a wave of frustration.  Bottom line I know is that just like salvation, our hearts have to be open to the voice of God, and we have to get to a point where we finally let go and trust.  I know for me, it’s been a very painful process of surrender and pruning, but man the fruit and the growth it produced and continues to produce.  Yesterday, I was at home and rather frustrated over this and other stuff God is getting me to deal with; and He gently reminded me that the best thing I can do with all this frustration is to turn it over to Him in prayer.  He said “Robin, I know this drives you crazy, it drives me crazy too, but you know you can’t make these people change, Pastor Jim can’t make these people change, but one of the most powerful things you can do to help them is to pray, I know you do, but when you feel like you are going in circles with it again, and it’s driving you crazy, hand it over to me in prayer and know that I’m dealing with it.”  Surrender it,yes.  I just needed to be reminded.  I so desperately want to see people transformed, I often forget that I can’t see what God is doing in their lives, but when I pray, it is a way of surrendering my trust that God is dealing with it, and that He has me working on my own issues.  It’s hard, and I know God knows that it’s hard for me, b/c my heart cares deeply for others.  I’ve seen how truly living surrendered has radically changed me, and it’s really hard not to judge others, but with God’s help daily, I just need to surrender and trust that He is working where I can’t see.  Some daysI am really grateful for being such a mess.  I know that sounds weird, but I guess it keeps me humble and human, and probably keeps my pride in check.  So Lord, right here, right now, I surrender others that you have place in my life to you, I am trusting that you are working in their lives even when I can’t see the transformation for myself.  Help to keep me humble and help me to not forget these very important things that you teach me.  It is your grace, your unmerited favor that we need daily.  Thank you for giving us eyes to see your truth, ears to hear your voice, and hearts to long for your truth and your ways and to desire to become more like you.  I believe God, help me with my unbelief.  Amen.

Psalm 62 and my thought for today

This morning as I spent time with God I found myself crying out and wondering why He has placed this burden of The Church, His Bride, so deeply on my heart.  I mean really Lord, yes, I want to work for you and do your will, but man this is a bit more than I bargained for!  I can’t tell you the amount of anguish that He has placed on my heart.  I even began to picture myself like Jesus; kneeling in the garden, asking God to take this cup, but also wanting more than anything else, to fulfill His will.  That’s where my heart is, that’s how deeply this affects me.  I didn’t ask for this ya know; I could  have blown on with life just fine, but when I gave Him my heart, I promised I wouldn’t take it back, and so here we are, burdened with the will of The Father on my life.  I know it’s His battle, but I’m His instrument; and I know there are allot of “me’s” out there; and I pray for God to bring us together so we can be stronger and shine brighter together.  So with that, I asked God to give me a word today, because I know His power works through us, but man it can overwhelm my soul so quickly.   I sat and meditated on Psalm 62 today, and really let the words sink in.  I’m not going to break it all down today and how it spoke to me, but just invite you to read it and ask God to let it speak to your heart too.

Psalm 62 (Amplified Bible)


Psalm 62

To the Chief Musician; according to Jeduthun [Ethan, the noted musician, founder of an official musical family]. A Psalm of David.

 1FOR GOD alone my soul waits in silence; from Him comes my salvation.    2He only is my Rock and my Salvation, my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be greatly moved.

    3How long will you set upon a man that you may slay him, all of you, like a leaning wall, like a tottering fence?

    4They only consult to cast him down from his height [to dishonor him]; they delight in lies. They bless with their mouths, but they curse inwardly. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!

    5My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him.

    6He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be moved.

    7With God rests my salvation and my glory; He is my Rock of unyielding strength and impenetrable hardness, and my refuge is in God!

    8Trust in, lean on, rely on, and have confidence in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is a refuge for us (a fortress and a high tower). Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!

    9Men of low degree [in the social scale] are emptiness (futility, a breath) and men of high degree [in the same scale] are a lie and a delusion. In the balances they go up; they are together lighter than a breath.

    10Trust not in and rely confidently not on extortion and oppression, and do not vainly hope in robbery; if riches increase, set not your heart on them.

    11God has spoken once, twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God.

    12Also to You, O Lord, belong mercy and loving-kindness, for You render to every man according to his work.(A)


6 Characteristics of a fully devoted follower of Christ. Are You Transparent For Christ???

Many times on this blog I have tried to share not only what God is teaching me, but to encourage and help to rise up others to new levels in their walk with Christ.  I’ve become very transparent and placed my heart on the line for the sake of the kingdom of God.  I know that my continued growth has been due to this radical level of commitment and obedience to The Father.  I Googled Transparency b/c I feel that it is truly what God wants us to display for Him.  If we are truly becoming more like Christ, then why wouldn’t we live transparent; having as much light shine out of us as we can!!!  Below are 6 Characteristics of a fully devoted follower of Christ that I got off of the West Evangelical Free Church in Wichita, KS.    I find it so interesting  and love comming  across churches that have a point-on mission statement and a clear vision.  But the questions remain…  How transparent are you?  How much light are you radiating?  I think it’s so important to take questions like these and really sit with them and let them mess with you.  They’re foundational to our growth in Christ, and they need to really grab ahold of us so we would be willing to surrender ourselves to God, so that He would work more deeply in us.  So I hope you will take some time and really ask yourself these questions and how they apply to your life.  Are You Passionate for God? If not why? and what do you need to do to change that?  (Maybe start by praying for God to help you surrender), Is the Living Word of God, living In You? and if not Why? It should be if you are a Christ-follower.  We need the Word of God, it’s our instruction manual and it’s His Love Letter to us; so pray for some thirst of God’s Word, we can never get enough of it.   Are you obeying and surrendering completely to the will of the father?  Are you producing fruit for the kingdom, and do people notice the change in you? Are you committed to a church and/ or a group of people to keep you accountable and feed the truth and knowledge that we need from scripture.  Do you know what your spiritual gifts are and are you using them to serve the body of Christ?  Do you feel for the lost? Is your  heart becoming more like Christ, filled with compassion, humility, and love, to move out among the less fortunate and make a difference in someone elses lives.  If not, I ask again Why? and perhaps you need to pray for God to do some work in these areas.  We need to give God our time if we expect to be changed.  We need to be in His Word and on our knees, on a daily basis.  We owe it to Him for all that He has done for us, but more than that, we should be deperate for Him; running to Him b/c we know we are useless in our own strength.  I Pray you take seriouse the commitment and life you have in Christ.  Don’t date God, Be commited.  Don’t be lukewarm, Be Hot.  Give God your best everyday b/c He gave you His best.  We’re still gonna blow it, I do everyday, but I am also changing and desire more of Him, and so should you.  I am praying for you!

6 Characterictics of a Fully Devoted Follower of Christ

Our mission at West Evangelical Free Church is to “develop fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.” Several years ago, our elders looked through scripture to find the marks of a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ and came up with what has become known as the 6 “c’s”. At the bottom of this page, you can take a spiritual health assessment to see where you are at in your relationship with the God of the universe!

1.  Communion with God

     A passion for God that draws me to Him and motivates me to live for Him.

2.  Competent in the Word

     Informed and transformed by the Word of God.

3.  Consistent in My Walk

     Consistently living out my faith in every area of my life (consistent obedience).

4.  Connected to the Body

     Some deep transparent relationships, plus a genuine commitment to the body of Christ.

5.  Commissioned for Ministry

     Regularly using talents and spiritual gifts in the power of the Spirit to serve the body of Christ.

6.  Committed to the Lost

    A lifestyle that makes both personal and corporate evangelism a high priority.

Reminiscing On My Growth (Part 2)

I started drafting this post last night b/c I was trying to get ahead a little bit.  Little did I know that when I went to The Father this morning my heart would being to pour out in ways I wasn’t expecting.  I had to surrender some more stuff.  You know, that really hard, gut wrenching stuff we don’t want to deal with.  Part of it is me getting things under control in some areas my personal life, and the other part is once again handing over my “undefined” dreams that I place at the feet of Jesus.  There wasn’t really a scripture that really stuck out in my head; I’m sure there where tons of them circling around in there, but I find when I surrender, it truly does cleans me.  I knew it was genuine when the tears just rolled out of my tightly shut eyes.  I know in everything God has a purpose, He has plans for my life, He wants to bless me in ways I can’t even think of; and so now, I will wait, I will obey, I will worship, I wil pray, I will believe, I will trust.  I will strive to live my life as close as sold-out for Christ that His grace will allow!  Here we go into my post of surrender.  Isn’t it funny how God used it this morning to remind me that even I will always need to surrender at the feet of Jesus!  Praise God for that!  Thank You Jesus for who you are and what you doing in all of our lives.  May we always remember to give God All The Glory in Everything.

Ah Yes, here we start on one of my favorite blog topics; Surrender!!  I could go on and on, but let’s just hit basics shall we??  Surrender IS Beautiful, and it’s what He wants from all of us.  Yes, it’s a life-long, daily, sometimes, moment by aching moment process.  It is an act of worship to God that the more we do it, the better we get at it, but of course never quite mastering it.  Surrender Is Painful at times, but oh the Glory it will bring forth to God and growth to your walk!  We must come to a place of desperation, of utter despair and sold-out need for Him for surrender to really have a good effect, at least that has been my experience.  The more I’ve surrendered the big, yucky stuff, the more natural it gets to surrender the everyday junk.  It’s a process no doubt, where some will take years or perhaps even a life time to Surrender All, but if I could give a word of advice from my experience, think of it in terms of surgery, (spiritual surgery); God need to operate on your heart, but it’s only gonna happen if you check-in to His hospital.  Wounds will heal, even though our scars of the memories never let us forget; God does.

As I’ve surrendered more and more to God, I thirst more for His Word, and I hold on more clearly to His truths in the Bible.  He is Mighty in so many ways!  He is the author of the universe and can bring people into their salvation, He can bring them into surrender. but the heart must be willing.  I often find myself praying for the unsaved, and the un-surrendered.  As you grow, you start to see the restrictions that others put on their circumstances, and it breaks my heart because Jesus died to give us such a rich life, full of his loving kindness, mercy and love.  Being unemployed for as long as I have, is such a blessing.  I get to spend extra time in the Word, I get to enjoy my daughter, He’s showing me how to better use my money and budget (even though this is a very difficult and slow process for me); and the list of His goodness goes on; I’ve remained healthy even w/o health insurance, my car is still running well with over 100,000 miles on the odometer, and on, and on, and on….. I truly believe God is blessing me in these ways because of my constant obedience and surrender.  So many times people get worldly prosperity mixed up with the Truth of The Word of God, but I am here to tell you Jesus never said we were going to Worldly Rich and worry free, this is the lie the devil uses sooo many times with false teachers and misguided preachers; it’s truly sad to see people being misinformed in the ways of God.

God truly wants to bless us, and He does so in such surprising ways!  I was once having a bad day, and God made things better by having  worship leader Jeff Deyo respond to an email that I sent him about his song “Jesus I surrender” .  It’s a very special song to me b/c it was at a time when I experienced the very powerful presence of God that radically changed me into the sold-out Christ follower I desire to be today!  So many times in my life God has used music and songs to not only get my attention, but to draw me close to Him.  I have become in love with Worshiping God for who He is through song.  I love to read about the way King David danced, because that is very much how I feel and rejoice in The Lord myself!  I am such an enthusiastic worshiper, I want to worship Him with my life!  So many days, I am in the car, with the CD blaring, singing at the top of my lungs, sometimes I don’t even want to get out of the car when I’ve reached my destination; I just get sooo caught up in worship, even at home; I’ve had a few times where I just have to turn off the ipod or the stereo speakers b/c I don’t want to do anything else but dance around and worship!!    I’ve been blessed with bloggers who share my enthusiasm for Christ, and I look forward to 2009 being a year where God is going to Shine!  I really feel that He is going to move in some amazing ways, in my life, in my church life, in our nation; I just sense God moving and doing mighty works!  How about you?  Do you sense that too?  I hope so.  God Bless!  Robin



Your My Healer, Nothing Is Imposible For You!

( Then Sings My Soul Saturday Link ) I appologize for the linking, my editor is not working correctly.

As I woke up today, it was evident that this lovely little virus that I am fighting is still hanging around. You know I’m sick, when I’m not even in the mood for making coffee in the morning, which I didn’t. Anyway, as I tried to play with my daughter a bit today, and get all her needs met, all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed. Even as I type this, she is demanding my attention. It’s so hard, but God is near. A few minutes ago, as I was making her a waffle, I stood in front of the toaster and just closed my eyes and surrendered in the moement. I knew I needed Him right then, and I obeyed by seeking his help. I bring this up b/c yesterday in a previous post I had a reader who I think was struggling with surrendering in the moment. I thought I’d share this, to kind of give an example of how it works in my life. I did crawl into bed for about 5 minutes wanting to be closer to Jesus. It’s then that He gave me the nudge to come over here and post to you all. I started singing the song “Healer” by Ten Sheckle Shirt. I wanted to share it with you here today, since God placed it on my heart, but when I went over to Youtube to search it, God brought me to another song. “Healer” by Planet Shakers. It’s in this song that God reminded me that Yes, He is my healer, and He is All I need; In every moment of every day. Whether I am sick, tired, trying to spend time with my daughter, or just trying to escape from the everyday, He is All I Need, and Nothing is Imposible For Him. So Come, Jesus, Heal Me of my sickness today, and show me your purposes for my life becasue all I want to do is live to honor you. Nothing is impossible for you Jesus, Show me your amazing work. Amen. May you all be blessed today and feel His healing touch right where you are in your life at the moement.

Surrender Is So Beautiful And It’s What He Wants For You!

As I was going about my morning I was reminded on several occasions of the Beauty of Surrender.  Yesterday, I mentioned how surrender is painful and that is why many people shy away from it; but don’t forget; to grow, we MUST be Pruned by His Hand.  Sometimes it’s easy to look at other people and say “wow, the grass is surely greener on the other side”; but what we tend to forget is what they had to or are currently going through to get to where they are.  This is very true in my life.  I’ve been through tons of God’s refining fire, BUT OH’ THE BEAUTIFUL SURRENDER! THAT TOOK PLACE!   It’s only when we truly let it ALL go are we going to be able to move into everything He has for us.  I know it’s hard, I know it’s painful, but don’t you want Everything God wants for you?  This isn’t about getting stuff from God, like God has a bag of goodies for us.  Yes, He does want to bless us, His Children, but only by shear obedience and surrender.  Experiencing The Presence of God has dramatically changed my life.  Salvation is great, but Oh His Presence is Indescribable.  This is such a big deal for me b/c God draws me in with music.  It’s a very powerful force in my life, and one that I have always wanted to be involved in, but this too, I have had to surrender to God.  I’m still waiting, but I am at such peace.  I have soooooo much joy, and there is so much beauty in everything in life.  Seeking His face is all I want anymore.  People look at my life and don’t get allot of stuff about me.  I’ve been unemployed for almost a year, I’ve struggled to find myself in different ways, there are things in life that have been really,really, hard and painful, but I can sit here today, with such confidence, hope, joy, and security in The One That I call My Savior!!!  He is My Savior, He is My God, He is My Best Friend, and The Lover of My Soul!  These just are not songs, or about lyrics, but about knowing God in the deepest place of your being.  This is about knowing that yes, in this world we will have trouble, and yes, life is full of pain and hardships, but if we’d just learn to give it All To Him!  It’s all or nothing people!  When I got saved almost 10 years ago, I was part of an amazing ministry.  It doesn’t exist anymore, but God used it for His exact purposes and for His Glory.  See, it wasn’t just about me getting saved, yet that was good, it took all these years up to now to let God work in everything in my life to be able to reveal His glory to me.  I know some of you people may not get what I am saying, but just roll with it.   Everything that happens to us is for His Glory.  Yes, the sickness, the pain, the not understanding why this, that, or the other isn’t working.  I’ve gone to God sooo many time asking WHY,  and His reply was always the same; “Be Still and Know that I am God” Psalm 46:10.  After experiencing His presence, He kicked it up a notch and gave me “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jer. 29:11. Now, being unemployed for this long, you better believe that I am holding on to this truth!  The point of all this is that we will never move into all that God wants for us and to be able to do through us,until we learn how to honestly Surrender All!  This is a really big passion in my heart lately, and I don’t know what to do with it; but I do know one thing, along with surrendering it over to God, I am getting out of the way so He can work.   I think we many times limit what God wants to do in our lives b/c either we don’t have the faith behind it, or we are trying to do it in our own strength, kind of like “O.K. God, I got this one, thanks anyway”.  It doesn’t work like that.  It’s all or nothing!  Don’t get me wrong, we all have our days.  God knows I can be just as stubborn as the next person when it comes to “let go and let God”, but I hope that I have learned that as much as I try and hold on to stuff, or do it on my own w/o the help of God, I don’t get very far.  I know there are allot of people who are really struggling with this, and I kow this post is getting long, but I truly felt God leading me to write this today.   Honestly, I’m still feeling like crap and I didn’t even want to post, but I felt the spirit lead, and I knew it was my part to obey.  See, this is how close He wants to get to you; even closer!  It’s up to us to cooperate with all of it.  Surrender is Beautiful!  I can’t write enough to make you see, it’s something that you have to experienc for yourself.  My prayer is that you would desire all that God wants for you, nad that you would become so desperate for God that you’d be willing to do what ever it takes to get there.  It’s a big prayer, with a big price, but in the end the surrender is So Beautiful!  Trust me, I’ve been there.  Better yet, Trust Him, He’s waiting for your surrender. The following video, I’ve posted befor, but felt lead to post again. It’s a very powerful video in the sense that if you listen to the words, they will draw you in, and if you watch the band play, especially the lead singer, you will see them experience the Presence of God.  Jesus Come, and Take Control.

Lord You Are Mighty To Save And To Bring Surrender!

Good morning bloggers!  I’m sitting here with a yucky head cold and trying to force feed myself a waffle while Olivia finds something else to destroy in my house as I am not right behind her at the moment.  I didn’t post yesterday because I’m working out some stuff with God, and wasn’t sure if I would today b/c I feel yucky, but then I went over to my Cafemom account and checked my email.  There is a lady over there dealing with some, I think, spiritual warfare issues.  She wrote and said to me

“for some reason I had this overwhelming urge that I was suppose to send this video to you–so here it is”  

Below is the Video “Mighty To Save” by Hillsong.  The one verese that stood out to me and really hit home at the moment was “everyone needs compassion,  a love that’s never failing, Let mercy fall on me. Everyone needs forgiveness, the kindness of a savior, the hope of nations”.  Wow, I think as I have been working through some of my issues this week, this is God’s way of reminding me that I need to show kindness, mercy, love and forgiveness to others.  Wow, that’s a heck of a way to start the day, but OK God, good point!  As much as I try and not judge others, we all do it.  As much as I try and be merciful to people, I’m constantly questioning the sovereignty of God when things don’t go my way.  It’s not about me, I know this, but why is it so darn hard to love like Jesus?  I think, once again, this is a good reminder that when I try and show mercy, love, kindness, forgiveness,; I need to do so remembering that I need the power of God that lives in me to help me.  I can’t do it alone.  I know I’ve said this before, but O.K. maybe I’m a slow learner, I’ll admit it.  God knows everything anyway.  That is one reason I am so open about my life.   Why sugar coat things, and hide behind masks, when He’s just gonna make you take it off (surrender) anyway.    I want to quickly touch also on the topic of surrender.  I could write a book on this, but for now, I just want to remind us of some important points on surrender.  Surrender is a life long unfolding of our lives to God.  It’s uncomfortable, painful, gut-wrenching business at times, but it is the only way to grow as a follower of Christ.  Let’s look at some scripture:

I am the Real Vine and my Father is the Farmer. He cuts off every branch of me that doesn’t bear grapes. And every branch that is grape-bearing he prunes back so it will bear even more.

John 15:1-2 (The Message)

I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.

John 15:1-2 (New King James Version)

I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.

John 15:1-2 (New Living Translation)

Pruning of any kind is hard but is necessary if you want the tree to bear beautiful fruit!   This is surrender!  I’m realizing why so many people don’t do it or take it seriously; IT HURTS!  Let me tell you, I’ve been through ALLOT in my 36 years; Especially As A Born Again Believer!   But as I learned to surrender and inter-grating it into a regular part of my life I’ve been able to look back and see God’s mercy, love, forgiveness, kindness.  This I feel, is what He is trying to remind me of today.  “Robin, yes you have learned surrender through going through some really painful stuff.  You were willing to finally lay it all down and give it to me, but you have to remember that not everyone is where you are.  So be light, be an example, and go and show others my mercy, my love, my forgiveness, my kindness.  You can’t make them surrender, but I can, I can use things in their life, just as I did in yours to bring them  to their knees,  to become desperate for me, to fianlly throw in the towel and surrender, but you have to let me work, and I can work through you.    Just love the people in your church.  Be kind, show mercy, forgive”.    Thank you Jesus for reminding me of this today.  I know there are many people praying for me, and I thank you for wisdom and understanding.  Lord you are migty to save.  You’ve saved me on more than one occasion; and you are mighty to bring people into surrender, so they can fully experiece all that you want to be to them.   Thank You Lord, I Love You, Amen.